The weather is starting to become cooler and it is great for outdoor activities such as gardening and hiking in the desert areas (two of my favorite activities).
I live in the city of Peoria which is north and west of Phoenix. About a year ago Peoria opened a new hiking trail about 8 Km from my house. It is easy to get to and very well maintained. The trail is set up in three sections, the shortest being less than 2 Km long and the longest is almost 5 Km long. This allows people with various hiking experience to enjoy the trail and choose how long they want to hike. I like to do the entire 5 Km length. The further you go along the trail the fewer people you meet and you can easily forget that you are so close to the city.
Also, since it is so close to the edge of the city and there are fewer houses, there is a good chance to see various desert wildlife. So far, I have seen a fox, coyotes, jackrabbits and many types of birds including the red tailed hawk shown in the picture. It was so peaceful to watch him as rode the rising air currents fromthe desert floor below him. I have also been told by other hikers I have met that they have seen burros and deer in the area during the late fall to early spring.
The other benefit I get from having a hiking trail so close is that I can get in good physical condition for other hikes I am planning for the coming months.
I am planning on going to the Superstition Mountains East of Phoenix and the Saguaro National Monument near Tucson where my daughter lives.
SUN-TEC America R.T.
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