
Machine design continues improving!

Sun-Tec, we have 13 machine -designers in house.
So we do whole process of building machine in house basically.
Our machine-designers are developing ideas day to day to achieve and certified our customers demand and more.

Today, we had a interview with one of our machine-designer, K-san.
He has been working at Sun-Tec for 9 years.

Drawing with 3D CAD / Discussion at office

Q. What is the best part of machine design at Sun-Tec ?
It is that producing something from Zero.
There are various design-works out there.
For example, car design, most of car designers draw only a part of car as I heard.
However, we are drawing a whole of machine from zero by one designer basically at Sun-Tec.
I think this is the best part as machine-designer.

Q. Recently Sun-Tec has introduced 3D-CAD system and you leaded the project.
What are benefits of 3D CAD drawing?

The benefits of 3D-CAD drawing are;

1.It is easy to have a final assembled image so it works for good-balanced machine(part) design.
2.There is a function of "Interference check". You can find interference between part to part easily.

3.Once you get used to 3D system, the drawing time becomes shorter than using 2D-CAD. And it makes less mistakes.

4.3D-picture allows anyone to image the assembling easily.

Q. It is well known in the company that K san has a lot of hobbies. What is the most favorite hobby currently.

I have been enjoying fishing and motor bicycle since teenager.
What I am enjoying most right now is bicycle and tennis.
I have experienced both in my twenties yet I have been working out and lost some weight.
It made me some motivation to start them again.
I feel my thought becomes wider so that I can communicate various people through the hobbies.

Q.Do you want to challenge something in your life and/or work?

I would like to participate some competition or race and want to feel the special sense of tension again.
I am now looking for which game I could challenge.

test-running own designed machine / K san with H san at design room

We also interviewed with his boss of design dept manager.

Q. What is the impression of K san ?

He has had some unique color since he entered Sun-Tec which we did not have before .
He keeps developing his personality on good way still now.
I hope he will organizes the department and aim to make more high quality machines from now on.

Q.What do you expect from member of the design department?

Sometime people say that "Challenge it without fear of failure".
However, I believe that you should not fail.
You have to prepare day to day and think through how you can achieve it without fail.
I hope we take a step further than the current world!


K san brings into company good influence so that he is always challenging some targets in work as well as private.
We hope he leads us to make "a step further" machines.

Sun-Tec keeps progress everyday with skill s of our designer team such as K san !

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We can do it!
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