When we started our company, the economy was so bad that we thought it could not get any worse. We felt like we had nothing to lose and started the business with the strong will that we had to find a way.
At that time, we had no customer, and literally we started from zero.
However, thanks to our personal connections, we were introduced to customers, and we won their business one by one. We could gradually establish the reputation as a machine manufacturer.
The full-scale sales started when Mr. Y joined our company who is a professional sales person and got business with major electronics manufacturers. It was a huge turning point for us. That gave Sun-Tec a big confidence and good publicity.
Below is a photo from the trade show in 1979. Because we had a limited budget, when we sold a chain conveyor to our customer, we got their old conveyor. All of our employees (which is only 5 at the time) disassembled parts and rebuild the conveyor like brand new. We connected three of our laminators to the conveyor. Sun-Tec made our first appurtenance to a broader customer base.
After that, the technical development of the LCD Polarizer film laminator was a huge transition for Sun-Tec. This business has been continuing and is now the core of our sales.
It has been 35 years since we started the company. Every company is supposed to change in various elements, but I believe that the biggest elements are "People" and "People's Talent." There is a saying, "Your best
friends are honesty, sincerity and wisdom. " I strongly think that Sun-Tec
has been surrounded by such people internally and externally.
It has been proven over the course of history that we should anticipate big changes from now on. To handle those changes:
- change and evolve flexibly,
- value people's relationship and gather people's wisdom, and
- never forget the appreciations to customers and business partners.
I believe those are the keys for survival.
And do not forget our company motto, "Provide the best quality products and service to our customers so that they continue to be our fan. Think and behave from the point of our customer's view." By doing so, I hope our young generation flies high in the future inside Japan and to the world.
Apple Inc. was established at around the same time as Sun-Tec. Even though the size of the company is small, our goal is to become an "excellent company" the same as Apple Inc. I strongly hope that Sun-Tec continues to aspire to become the "excellent company" for 10, 30 years, and forever.
Senior director of Sun-Tec Co., Ltd
We can do it!
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