I am happy to have a chance to express of some of my thoughts and share them with you. We have been taking the four words as a routine statement and we are very familiar with them.
They are: “ WE CAN DO IT” with an exclamation mark at the end. Let’s take some moments and think and talk about this words.
First, who are “WE”? This word is not for a single person and more than two, including myself, you, him, her, our customers, our suppliers and all others who are working with us. This word means togetherness, not alone. I think this two letter word, WE is very powerful word in our society when recognize it as a one unity. This word includes our coworkers, superiors and subordinators in our company as well as personal and business relationships around us. I am glad that I am not the only one in this world and there are others whom I work with and I can get help from.
Next, what does the word “CAN” mean? I think this means having a confidence and ability. I detect everyone’s level of CAN are different. I think if something is 100 percent sure, we do not use word CAN, but we should say IS. CAN have some uncertainty and includes will power to make it happen. Depending on our determination and confidence level of thoughts, the word of CAN will be practiced.
Now, let’s think about the word of “DO”. This calls for Action and performance. Thinking only cannot be any part of DO. Only an action will bring us results and rewards. This word DO does not mean an easy work, and requires lots of efforts and hard work to get it done.
Last, what does the word “IT” mean in this sentence? This means all the challenges in our life. In our daily life we face all kind of problems which we need to work at.
With all these meanings of words as described above, how shall we interpret the entire sentence: “WE CAN DO IT !” ?
I am sure every one of us will understand this sentence differently and I will leave this up to everyone to interpret this his/hers own way. I just want to bring this sentence in front of everyone to have some time to think about it.
In my opinion, this sentence tells us that we should take all our challenges (Tasks) with confidence and determination and we should believe ourselves it will be successful at the end. There will be no impossibles by doing hard work together, you and me together.
In other words, once we believe it can be done and willing to work hard together, anything can be done.
It is matter to find a solution and there are no impossible tasks.
Let’s rephrase ourselves “WE CAN DO IT” whenever we face challenges!
Michael Choi
Marketing and Sales Rep
Sun-Tec America
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