She is very good at singing. Her favorite songs are "Mickey Mouse Theme song,"and "Super Mario Theme song,"and her most favorite one is "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands."
Take a look at the video.
When she first sang that song and used her beak for clapping, nobody was watching. We could not believe what she did.
My wife taught her those songs and she usually learns each song in a week.
If she is not into a certain song, she never learns it.
Usually people start to raise parakeets as a pet when they are about 1 month old. When they are babies, they cannot digest food well so we feed them soft food with a straw. By doing so, we build a relationship with birds.
They start to perch on hands. (Marron also perches on hands.) It is relatively easy to keep a bird as a pet compared with cats and dogs and we can communicate with birds to some extent. So I recommend birds for a pet if you hesitate to have dogs or cats.
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