Recently, I have had new inspiration in my hobby. Two things have happened to inspire me. My favorite hobby shop has started a club for model builders.
It is fun to get together with people who share my interest.
While my primary interest is in building military tanks and trucks, some of the other club members build other subjects such as cars, planes and science fiction. It’s fun and educational to exchange stories and discuss new techniques for building our different models.
For example, for the guys who build cars the important thing is painting a high gloss perfect paint job; for the science fiction guys it’s how to put lights inside the model to have the windows and engines look like they’re running; and for us armor guys it’s about weathering and dioramas to show how they were used.
The second thing to inspire me recently was in August when the International Plastic Modelers Club had there national show and contest here in Phoenix.
There wereover 1000 models on display of all types and levels of experience. Some were built by professional model builders and were truly amazing.
There was also an area were manufacturers sold there model kits. I spent more than I wanted to, but I found some good deals on models and supplies
that are hard to find in the hobby shops. Below is a diorama base I bought at the show which I had to assemble and paint and I added some figures and a Jeep which I had previously built. It was a lot of fun to build and I hope to continue increasing my skills.
We can do it !
SUN-TEC America Russ T
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