
An e-engineer N-san's challenge

E-engineer (Electrical engineer ) job at Sun-tec are ;
-Design for electrical hardware
-Order electrical parts
-Design for electrical software (sequencer , operation panel etc..)
-Wiring etc...

lean from seniors

N-san is an electrical engineer in Sendai factory and It has been3 years since she joined Sun-Tec.
In this year, she designed and completed a machine software with her name. It was first time for her.

We interviewed her a little ..........

working hard
■ Why you became an electrical engineer?
I studied electrical and electronics at college and I wanted to participate in manufacturing work.

■ Where are you enjoying in the work?
I can see many kinds of machines from labeling machine to large lamination machine etc in the factory.

■ How did you feel after you completed a software design ?
I had to spend a lot of time..
I have to image machine motion based on the specification and design software but when I realized my imagination and actual machine motion is not match, I leaned my skill is not enough ..
I still need a lot of help and advice from my senior associates however when I find out some solution by myself, I feel something good that I cannot describe well...

■ What is your goal?
I still need a lot of help and advice from my senior associates so I would like to learn skills more from each machine manufacturing process..and want to build own confidence.

We asked Sendai factory manager impression of her.

■From Factory manager
It has been passed 3 years since she joined company . I see that she is getting used to work environment.
I think she was confusing that she could not use her knowledge from school for actual work for the first period of time.
However, she is now trying to lean and deal each machine step by step in her own way.
She has to learn more and more but I hope she could increase her experience in work and keep trying.

She has been growing up with challenging.
We are hoping that one day her techniques and ideas become a new approach for SUN-TEC and then we could make more good machine for customer's satisfaction.

Sun-Tec's technology is growing up with such engineers!

HP promotion team
We can do it!
SUN-TEC WebSite >> http://www.sun-tec.net/english/index.html


From Arizona

Hello everyone,

This blog has been sent from Arizona in America.
Arizona is known as Desert and most of people understand the Desert is with a lots of Sands, like Sahara desert, and Kobi Desert.
But, Arizona Desert is not with the Sands, but a lots of trees, plants and flowers.


I have lived in Arizona for 30 + years now, and I am happy to show some pictures here to show what kind of trees and flowers we have in Arizona.
First, we have a lot of Cacti, such as Saguaro (pronounced as Soo-Ha-Ro) Cactus, Ocotillo (pronounced as O-Ko-Tee-Yo) Cactus and etc.
Most of flowers are blooming in May to June, and the flowers with large wings usually opens in the evening and closes when the sun rises.
This is to prevent from losing precious water they have during hot daytime.

With these pictures, I have also added a few pictures of Grand Canyon, an Owl, a sunrise scene, and a rainbow.
Grand Canyon
Video from Arizona : >> http://www.sun-tec.net/blog/img/090903_03.wmv
(Note: this movie is a little heavy to load)

As you can see, Deserts are beautiful even we have very very hot simmer.
The temperature can be as high as 46 deg. C, with around 10 percent relative humidity.
Therefore we can say these trees and plants are living in Dry and Hot Sauna Bathroom.

Be well and Happy!
M.C - Sun-Tec America

We can do it!
SUN-TEC WebSite >> http://www.sun-tec.net/english/index.html